![]() Salut! C'est nous, le groupe des discussions en-ligne à Woking! (Juin 99) Hello, we are the on-line chat group in Woking! (June 99) |
![]() Et nous, nous sommes le groupe de Glaine! (Juin 99) And here we are, in glaine! (June 99) |
Voici la transcription de notre séance du 8 juin.
Jennifer est notre amie journaliste de Time Magazine.
Here is a transcript of our June 8th session.
Jennifer is our Journalist friend from Time Magazine.
(Woking) Tests from St Dunstan 10.15 am (Woking) Woking ready (Woking) Phi, have you shown the kids this election page? Beware: there's a lot of pix! (Guest/Invité) jennifer is on-line (Woking) (Kids) hello Jnnifer (Glaine) Bonjour a tous ! (Guest/Invité) hello (Glaine) presentation (Glaine) Ici, il Marjorie, Kevin, Vincent et Simon (Glaine) How are you ? (Glaine) Le reste des classes regarde. (Woking) Hi! (Glaine) Hi ! (Woking) Here we are Jason (6), Luke(7) Emily(7) Jessica(6) Michaela (7) (Glaine) poste (Glaine) Ou voulez vous mettre la poste ? (Woking) We think E1 (Glaine) e2 ![]() (Glaine) e1, il y a plus d'espace (Glaine) nous sommes d'accord pour e1 (Woking) (Michaela) E2 is not a bad idea: it's near the church and the mosque (Woking) But we like E1 (Woking) Sorry, we voted and it's E2 here! (Glaine) Both !!! (Glaine) Donc, la poste sera en e2 pour etre pres de l'eglise et de la mosquee (Glaine) ferme/farm (Glaine) Ou voulez vous mettre la ferme ? (Glaine) (kevin) loin du village, f7. il y a aussi la riviere (Woking) We're thinking about the farm... (Woking) We love F7 but it's a bit too near the river... However in F7 the ducks can swim (Glaine) -) (Woking) We tought of F6 as well (Glaine) ![]() (Glaine) Oui !!!! (Glaine) F6!!! (Woking) Brilliant let's say F6 then!! (Glaine) auberge/inn (Woking) But could we have a path from F6 to F7 for the ducks (Glaine) Pour l'auberge, que pensez vous ? (Glaine) Nous sommes d'accord pour le chemin des canards ! (Woking) Near the shops, 1D? (Glaine) Shops are in B1 (Woking) C1 then? (Glaine) (Kevin) je voudrais que se soit vers les arbres... (Woking) We haven't discussed the trees yet... (Glaine) Kevin et Vincent pensent que C1 est trop pres des magasins. Les autres n'ont pas d'avis. (Glaine) (Marjorie) B6, vers les maisons. (Woking) D1 maybe - and we could put some forest around it later? (Woking) B6 is a good one though (Glaine) D1, nous sommes d'accord avec des arbres autour. (Woking) D1 for the restaurant, yes! (Glaine) port/harbor (Glaine) Leelou veut un port.... ou le mettons nous ? (Glaine) (Kevin) E7 et F7 car le bateau est grand (Woking) C7 or A1(Even if it's the park) (Glaine) C7 pour nous.... (Glaine) [Jennifer : are you ready ?] (Woking) We don't like F7 and E7 because the ducks may be crushed by the boat we prefer D7 (Guest/Invité) yes I am ready, let me know when I should start (Glaine) Nous sommes donc tous d'accord pour D7.... de toute facon, les canards peuvent voler :o) (Glaine) Kids, we stop there for the map.... (Glaine) questions (Woking) D7 (Glaine) Jennifer, nous t'ecoutons. (Woking) Yes Jennifer, we're ready (Guest/Invité) What have you learned about the children in the other two countries who have participated in this project? (Glaine) Pour le Senegal, qu'il y a des lions et des girafes. (Woking) They're good at drawing - They have different chairs and tables (Guest/Invité) anything else? (Glaine) Pour Woking, nous avons appris qu'il n'y a pas de cantines, qu'ils apportent leur repas et mangent en salle de gym. (Glaine) L'ecole de Woking est aussi plus grande que la notre, il y a plusieurs classes ! (Woking) Their school is smaller (Woking) they draw different things (Woking) The clothes are ddifferent (Glaine) Nous sommes une ecole de campagne et Dalifort et Woking des ecoles de villes (Woking) They speak different languages (Guest/Invité) what was the most important thing you learned by designing the village and electing the mayor? (Glaine) Nous avons appris a voter ! (Glaine) Il faut pour voter une urne, des enveloppes, des bulletins et un isoloir. (Glaine) (Marjorie) Le plan m'a appris a placer des dessins. (Woking) Election was great (Woking) You have to agree and not be upset when your candidate looses (Glaine) Election was cool ![]() (Woking) Election is fun (Guest/Invité) what topics have you studied on the computer? Does working on the computer make learning more fun? (Woking) We had to agree with the others it was great when we designed the village (Glaine) (Pauline) Le principal n'est pas de gagner mais de participer. (Woking) Writing e-mail (Woking) ...and agree with each other (They insist) (Woking) We were surprised to see how big animal legs were! (Glaine) L'ecriture, la geographie, la lecture. (Woking) Coordinates on the map: maths (Glaine) Oui, c'est plus marrant. (Woking) Seeing pictures of houses on the computer (Woking) Yes, it's more funny! (Woking) It's better than normal computers (which don't have the Net) (Guest/Invité) do you use a computer/the Internet outside of school? Do you think you will use one when you grow up? If so to do what? (Woking) Outside of school: All: yes (Glaine) Nous sommes d'accord pour dire qu'il est important d'apprendre a travailler avec des personnes qui ne sont pas du meme avis. (Woking) 5 out of 7 (Lauren and Sally from the e-mail group are now with us) (Woking) Luke is back in the classroom (Woking) 5 out 7: when we grow up (Glaine) 18 out 23 (Woking) Alessandro: We've just down an election! (Guest/Invité) at glaine 18 out of 23 use the internet outside of school? (Glaine) Plus tard, pour ecrire des lettres, pour faire des jeux, pour communiquer avec d'autres pays, pour apprendre d'autres langues. (Woking) Jessica: done not 'down'!! (Guest/Invité) what do the children think they will use the computers for when they are grown-up? (Woking) Alessandro would like to learn French (Woking) Lauren too (Glaine) internet : 2 / 23 (Woking) Do you want to learn English? Michael wants to learn Japanese and Jessica too! (Woking) 5 yes + 1 maybe (Glaine) (Kevin et Vincent) japonais oui !!! (Glaine) (Florence) le grec ! (Woking) The 2 janpanese girl: Yeaaaah! (Glaine) (Florence) le grec ancien (Woking) We have 2 welsh kids here (Glaine) Oui, certains veulent apprendre l'anglais, mais aussi l'italien... (Guest/Invité) can I just check on how many of the woking kids use internet at home? (Woking) 5 out of 7 (Woking) Awa just called me on my mobile: The Internet does not work there!! (Guest/Invité) do the children see uses other than learning languages for computers (Woking) Emily is learning Italian in the Italian club (Glaine) (Florence) Dommage pour Dakar... (Woking) Jennifer? Do you want to re-phrase? (Woking) (Awa Will still try to join us..) (Woking) Other uses for the computer? (Guest/Invité) kids: what can you do with computers when you are grown-up (besides learning languages?) (Woking) Alessandro: Seeing other schools (Guest/Invité) will they use the computers in their jobs, to shop or make vacation plans? (Woking) Jason: searching things, information (about babies says Michaela) (Woking) Alessandro: Yes! The others don't know (Woking) Alessandro and Jason will use the computer for their holidays (Woking) Glaine: Shall we start the drinks??? (Woking) We're thirsty here!! (Guest/Invité) ok, thanks very much to both schools (Guest/Invité) and to teebo and philippe for setting this up (Woking) Thank you Jennifer!! (Woking) Let's have the drink anyway !! (Woking) Drinks here: yeah!!! (Woking) ![]() (Guest/Invité) bye, au revoir (Woking) Pepsi is very popular here! (Woking) Bye Jeennifer! (Glaine) Nous buvons aussi ! (Glaine) Oasis !! (Woking) What are you drinking? No one's drunk yet (Woking) But alessandro is starting to! (Glaine) Alain et Nicole servent a boire a tous ! (Woking) Alessandro: Are Alain and Nicole going to get drunk? (Glaine) I think yes Alessandro ! And me too :_) (Woking) Alessandro: ![]() (Woking) Philippe are you really drunk? (Alessandro) (Woking) Are your busses coming?? Bye if we can't talk no more. CNXN probs here! (Glaine) Buses are here, yes.... |